
Friday 15 April 2016

REVEALED! It's Official! Here Are The Three HIDDEN Things That We Now Believe Dennis Okari Did To Betty Kyalo Leading To The Break-Up Of Their Marriage.

It's official. What colorfully went down at the suave Marula Manor gardens in Karen circa October 2015 has been annulled. The wedding that took social media by storm and that attracted a record sponsorship from local corporates was all but hot air. And as you already know,the marriage wasn't built to last. And this,from the mouth of the family of Betty herself.
Okari and his clan have largely avoided delving into the matter. And speculation is rife that the reason Dennis has remained mum over the whole fiasco is because he,actually,is the main reason why the marriage collapsed so suddenly.
And going by the train of comments Betty's fiercely supportive family is leaving across the Internet,we have every reason to believe that Betty had been suffocated in a loveless,unhappy Union that she struggled to disentangle herself from since she said 'I Do'.
Both her sister and brother used words like' find happiness ',' free soul', 'unhappy', 'tears ',' support ' to describe the situation that befell the much-fabled marriage and to comfort their sister publicly in the wake of unending speculation.
But there's something about the post that Brian Kyalo,Betty Kyalo's brother,posted on Facebook that opened our eyes to what could likely have been the real reason Betty walked away from that union of pain and suffering.
In a bid to console his sister,show support to her,shoot down the gossip and set the record straight,Brian Kyalo made this particular update,
My Whatsapp is full of people looking for answers / cheap gossip. So today I shall speak. Betty is a free soul. If she is unhappy about the family she married to she has every right to walk away and be happy. I am not a moralist, so don't expect me to defend mediocrity. If a woman's happiness is dependant on her leaving and experiencing a different life, I will be the first to support her. Women go thru so much pain and society ignores this. Pain may come from an un-appreciative family in law, Dishonest partner and Spousal abuse. 
As we pray for both of them to heal, let's respect that they are human beings. Just like us. Mistakes happen, and decisions are made. Such is life.
And for the bloggers waiting for razzmatazz and gossip glucose ... We are in unity supporting Betty and Denno in all the challenges they are going thru. 
Betty, baby sis ... I got your back everyday. We have gone thru worse ... I believe in you and your decisions. I shall be there to stand for my niece as if she was my daughter Iris. I love you.
Now,let's ignore the whole typo-laden post and jump to this particular sentence ;
Pain may come from an un-appreciative family in law, Dishonest partner and Spousal abuse.
Those are the words that Brian,a TV producer and creative director at a Film Production company,cleverly used in his online rant-cum-press release.
'Family - in- Law, Dishonest Partner,Spousal Abuse '
And because we are good at reading between the lines,and even between between the lines,here is our conclusion on what Dennis did to Betty. According to his own brother in law,Brian. Not us.
1. Broken In-laws Relations
The Number One demon that killed the Betty+Dennis union was Dennis' own Family. According to the post that Brian made,he clearly alludes to a family in law that was probably unappreciative and a family in law that didn't show love and extend warmth to Miss Betty Kyalo and the whole Kyalo clan. In fact,a little birdie had told us this like a month ago. But we couldn't publish because we sort of needed evidence or anything, just anything, alluding to that. And now,here we are. By talking of an 'unappreciative family in law' Brian was actually talking about Dennis' family. It should be remembered that Dennis is from Western Kenya and Betty is originally from Ukambani. We guess maybe the two communities had a problem with inter-marriage and thus the In-Law crisis. But one thing is for sure,the extended family of Dennis didn't welcome the Kyalos with open arms. There was tension from both families. And the tension deeply affected Betty who needed to feel loved, appreciated and welcomed by her hubby's people. And when the hostility from Dennis' clan became too much, Betty was out. For good.
2. Dishonest Partner
Yet another very bold yet subtle line that Brian Kyalo stealthily sneaked into his wordy update. By talking of a dishonest partner, Brian was not on drugs (not unless he was lol) he must have made that update with a clear conscience that guided him on the dramas of the Kyalo marriage. One thing sticks out here....Dennis Okari CHEATED on Betty Kyalo. Believe it or not. Yes,I know,this may sound frivolous,even unfounded,ludicrous,preposterous, farfetched,outrageous,improbable and even implausible but we can tell you for free that this actually is something Betty could have been fighting with. Cheating is responsible for over 50% of breakups allover the World. Infidelity in a marriage or relationship results to mistrust,anger, uncertainty,broken trust,feeling of betrayal,shame,loss of love,pain,dejection,paranoia and an urge to avenge the deed. Unfaithfulness carries with it the heavy tag of shame that ends up clouding up the marriage and,in the woman's case,plunging the other spouse to an endless marathon of hate and anger and mistrust. Very few relationships survive past a sordid episode of Infidelity. This,we can firmly state, must have been what led Betty astray and what put the marriage asunder. If we were to rely on Brian's word,Mr. Okari, the celebrated NTV sleuth, Cheated on Betty Kyalo. And we have a hunch.... He didn't cheat with one woman. But several women and he kept it all a secret from the charming Kamba girl. But when she finally discovered his cheeky ways,she couldn't stay no more. It was too much of shame and betrayal to remain in a union that was so flawed and riddled with secrecy. It was time to say 'Good bye' to the lies and the shady deeds. And good bye it was.
3. Spousal Abuse 
This simply means that one half of the marriage is abusing the other. Either physically or emotionally. And in most cases, physically. In this case, Brian Kyalo, Betty's brother,talks of a situation that involves Spousal Abuse. And not unless he was high on methamphetamine,then his word holds water. We have a feeling - and a strong conviction - that Mr. Dennis Okari used to BEAT UP (notice we used Capital Letters) Miss Betty Kyalo. That may sound unfounded but it might be truer than anything you've heard this year. Cases of men battering their wives have been on the increase and Dennis won't be the pioneer of the worrying trend. It is highly likely that Dennis Okari would frequently beat up poor Betty and knowing Betty, she had zero ways to defend herself. Either physically or otherwise. But a point reaches in a woman's life where she cannot stomach a beating no more. And after much consultation and deliberations,she arrives at a place that allows her to set herself free and to flee the abusiveness clouding her life. And that,ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what Betty did. Tired of the endless physical brawls with the love of her life,Betty had to terminate this union of terror and flee as far from it as she possibly could. It takes raw courage and determination to finally break free from the yokes of violence and perennial spousal bouts. Spousal Abuse,as mentioned by Brian,had to come to an end. And come it did.
Betty,according to her own brothers and sisters,is now free and happy and settled and independent....Probably from the shackles of a flawed Family-in-Law,cheating husband and a violent man who would frequently batter her.
That's what we heard from the grapevine. And that's what Brian addressed in his Facebook post. We cannot be wrong. Try us.
Good Luck,Miss Kyalo. And stay woke.
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