
Monday 18 April 2016

Forget Betty Kyallo And Dennis Okari Break Up Months After Wedding, Kenya's Top Music Producer Divorced His Wife Two Weeks After Costly 8.6 Million Wedding

The marriage institution is proving to be a tricky one to local celebrities as relationships and marriages end every other day.
This is mostly despite the couple sharing children and having had a wedding ceremony after years of staying together. However, celebrated music producer Beat Ya Keggah’s wedding to his wife Karay Kay just set new lows and a record of the fastest divorce after a wedding.  The couple have two kids together and had one of the most lavish weddings even by American standards in a ceremony held in Boston.
The wedding cost in the upwards of Ksh. 8 Million shillings and was held on a luxury yacht and attended by friends and family of the couple.

However, at just two weeks after the wedding, the couple who are both medical doctors by profession and entrepreneurs too, divorced for reasons not yet clear. From this point onward it has been an ugly exchange especially from Keggah who has filled his social media accounts with hate messages directed to his former wife and mother to his children.
He also has a new lady in his life in just about three months after the divorce. According to Keggah, the wife took much of his property from houses to cars and money. This has had him hurting and several of his posts have been personal and full of anger. Here he is with his new lady

His recent post has led to a huge reaction with friends and general public asking him to keep it private and being surprised by this change of a man they had taken for a role model… He is however adamant he will not bring them down until he has achieved full restitution.
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  1. Keggah is not and has never been a doctor. The ex- wife is a nurse not a doctor. and that lady is not his new lady. Please get your facts.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Keggah cocaine imemharibu namadawa zengine anatuma..alafu naona lil bibby pia anataka kushine na hakuna mtu anamjua -Walanguzi Das

    3. The IP address shows 801 Avalon Way in Shrewsbury MA a lease belonging to Karay Blue Keggahs Ex wife please note Das posted a public apology saying he was high when he typed that

    4. Keggah was the CEO and Founder of the company since he was 22 years old that him running the business for 7 years making a profit of over 50 Million Dollars you can insult him all you want but you can never say his not a genius at that age. Next blogs write what they want fight them not him they can even say his God if they want it’s not his fault Karay cheated on him 7 times and only became the nice loyal wife when she became pregnant and they later on found out via DNA the child was not his he forgave her and raised that child as his she filed the divorce and only stopped when she found out she will be she will be deported if she does after transferring millions from Keggah’s business account when he made her a partner weeks after getting him to pay for her dream wedding he lost him mom and his son got diagnosed with autism and she still did that in history they will remember he stayed loyal she picked money over that plus she can make up as many lies as she wants to seek sympathy but she never comments about the money, the DNA and the immigration issue on all the comments notice that and a full rapper posted a public apology saying he was high when he wrote that keggah has never used cocain or whatever it’s called He drinks a beer or two but that’s it but notice keggah accepts responsibility she does not she is totally innocent typical of sycophants

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  3. Please get your facts correct before you post made up stuff. Keggah and his wife owned all their businesses 50/50 and the wife actually fully funded the business that allowed Beat ya Keggah to be created as Keggah was really broke when she met him. She did not take anything from him. They owned Beat ya Keggah and the Autism business 50/50 way before the wedding. Keggah had a psychotic breakdown in 2016 and was diagnosed with Bipolar which can cause delusions (made up thoughts that you believe are accurate while they are false) and was smoking a lot of weed at the time which made him very paranoid. You can tell there are not as many Beat ya Keggah songs out since Now You Know-Nyashinski. Even the cops couldn’t handle him and he ended up in a psychiatric unit multiple times in 2016. These innacurate blogs should get sued for writing whatever they want without checking facts. If you cannot afford a domain, you clearly cannot afford the time to verify your facts. Ghafla no longer has the article which is your source as it was inaccurate. Check your statements next time.

    1. Someone is an illegal immigrant and needed K to stay in the country. When he refused she posted horrible things about him that are not true. She stole his money and still talks like her story is factual. K has moved on and her point does not make sense, if they were 50 50 owners they made the same money. Keggah had several other business and they only shared two companies. She transferred clients from a company they owned together to another one she owns by herself. K produced all the music by himself, connected with the artists himself and paid for every song and video. She is friends with K Nel and she is just bitter. It’s been 3 years and she is still talking about K to get as much attention for her failed business ventures and Music ventures.. Her song that she stole from BYK has 2K views and 20 comments on her song with 300K views that were all purchased. Dear x stop talking about me please and posting lies. Our relationship is over and please avoid future communication. Thank you and your invited to my summer wedding. K has never ever been diagnosed with any of the things she is not qualified to say he has. Show me one doctor who can back up your statements. Those are simply your opinions. K got a divorce weeks after his wedding, lost his mum and his daughter got diagnosed with autism, he was depressed but that’s normal in such a situation. Please note K has not taken her to Court or is not fighting her. He just does not appreciate the online comments. Her address is 801 Avalon way if you need a comment from her. Last time am dealing with this. Please note in America your innocent until.......and if you have not noticed I have not lost yet.

    2. Keggah cocaine imemharibu namadawa zengine anatuma..alafu naona lil bibby pia anataka kushine na hakuna mtu anamjua-Walanguzi Das


      Keggah K. Ghishijoh, 29, of 550 Park Ave., Worcester, charged with driving with a suspended license, found responsible.

    4. The IP address shows 801 Avalon Way in Shrewsbury MA a lease belonging to Karay Blue Keggahs Ex wife please note Das posted a public apology saying he was high when he typed that

    5. Please note Keggahs Lawyers beat all charges and Keggah has a clean record. Your innocent till proof can be provided in America. The car was his but he was not the one driving. Your wishing him to fail and he is becoming even more successful and that simply makes in illegal immigrant ex wife who has been married 4 times unsuccessfully for immigration and had 4 abortions by age 21 and to many abortions at such an early age can lead to a child developing mental issues

    6. She paid 500 dollars for the registration fee they split everything 50/50 and she only paid that to add herself as a partner god you cant change history

  4. Keggah K. Ghishijoh, 29, of 550 Park Ave., Worcester, arrested and charged with two counts of driving with a suspended license, keeping a noisy or disorderly house, license not in possession, continued to Dec. 8 2016.

    1. Someone is an illegal immigrant and needed K to stay in the country. When he refused she posted horrible things about him that are not true. She stole his money and still talks like her story is factual. K has moved on and her point does not make sense, if they were 50 50 owners they made the same money. Keggah had several other business and they only shared two companies. She transferred clients from a company they owned together to another one she owns by herself. K produced all the music by himself, connected with the artists himself and paid for every song and video. She is friends with K Nel and she is just bitter. It’s been 3 years and she is still talking about K to get as much attention for her failed business ventures and Music ventures.. Her song that she stole from BYK has 2K views and 20 comments on her song with 300K views that were all purchased. Dear x stop talking about me please and posting lies. Our relationship is over and please avoid future communication. Thank you and your invited to my summer wedding. K has never ever been diagnosed with any of the things she is not qualified to say he has. Show me one doctor who can back up your statements. Those are simply your opinions. K got a divorce weeks after his wedding, lost his mum and his daughter got diagnosed with autism, he was depressed but that’s normal in such a situation. Please note K has not taken her to Court or is not fighting her. He just does not appreciate the online comments. Her address is 801 Avalon way if you need a comment from her. Last time am dealing with this. Please note in America your innocent until.......and if you have not noticed I have not lost yet.

    2. Keggah cocaine imemharibu namadawa zengine anatuma..alafu naona lil bibby pia anataka kushine na hakuna mtu anamjua -Walanguzi Das


      Keggah K. Ghishijoh, 29, of 550 Park Ave., Worcester, charged with driving with a suspended license, found responsible.

    4. That is another Keggah with the same first name Keggahs of BYK his last name is kenya those are not even his records you fools

  5. Keggah cocaine imemharibu namadawa zengine anatuma..alafu naona lil bibby pia anataka kushine na hakuna mtu anamjua ������ -Walanguzi Das

  6. As a nurse your license can be violated for violating Hippa. Your making fun of him because he was simply depressed after loosing his mum, his kid got diagnosed with autism and his wife stole his company after they built it together for 7 years

  7. Bro I've sat with your ex wife and she gave me all the info plus I read her statement. I had to do something since the fool who was supposed to be helping her raise the kids is crazy. Asylum crazy. Using words like hippaa and you don't even know what they mean. Since you seem to assume you know where I'm at find me Biggs. I have bigger balls than you any day. She showed me the proof and I think responsible means guilty unless courthouse public records are also lying. I had to find this woman who had dealt with such a con man for so long and was still sane. You take one look at her page and one look at yours and you can tell who is the crazy one. Even the article up there says people were disappointed when they realized you were a fake mentor. Why don't you list your address too if you have one or own a house or even can lease one so we can find you with questions MR IM HOMELESS! You can't cause you have no car no house nothing. Revoked License due to insanity. All fake. She lost her mum too, had you acting crazy impregnating another woman the the year your daughter was diagnosed and she still keeps moving. If it wasn't true and if there was no proof you wouldn't be so upset. Das didn't apologize. He is still waiting for the fake lawyers like the rest of us. I have a lot of time to sit here and argue with you but anyone who is sick enough to use their mum who passed away in 2010 and their daughter diagnosis for sympathy doesn't deserve a response even from the devil himself. This is what dead beat dads and loser insecure men do. You are an embarrassment to all Kenyan men. There are a lot of depressed alcoholics on occasional cocaine men don't act the way you do. Grow up.

    1. Dear Mitch you keep begging me for money and 20 dollars me and SG record all our conversations I will expose you check facebook and see keggah live in his house with a pool, basketball court etc the lady who she suspects keggah of cheating with released a public statement saying she and Keggah have never even kissed and he was just helping her to start a business and Karay Blue got jealous, she is married and the husband is the father. Mitch your a famous con man and asked Nazizi to asked for more money for the project keggah is rich. I have screenshots of you begging keggah for rent when you got evicted keggah makes over 30K a week in dollars stay in your lane broke ass and remember in America people have rights apart from illegal immigrants in Kenya your life is worth pennies lol I remember your favorite lil wayne line that you told me "I will put your name on the bullet make you feel special" Karay was dirt poor and so was keggah when they started dating no one is refusing but they built a million dollar empire as 50 50 owners two brains people dont create partnerships with stupid poor people your contracticting your self

  8. I watched myself go down the drain. I allowed your negative words to affect me. I allowed your pessimism to feed my hungry soul. You were introduced to me as my teacher. My Rabii as in the bible. Didn’t Jesus have followers and so I became your faithful follower. When you said I’m stupid I followed. When you said I won’t make it, I believed It. When you called me a failure, no matter how bad it hurt, I still followed. I didn’t enslave myself out of will, but out of the innocent desire to be ”your pet” the obedient one. I didn’t know how powerful your words were, maybe if I did ,I would have put you off or even better, cut you off completely, Out of all the lads in the classroom, it is me you choose to hate. You looked at me with distaste, as if my presence made you nauseous. You said ill amount to nothing. Every time I blossomed you trampled over my flower. You spit on me, you crashed my will to thrive and live. I Was loyal to the end, you stole our company and tried to destroy me I was still loyal bitch

  9. Mitch RIP am so sorry I was told people broke into your house. Karay Blue Home Address loading on all my 250K Kenyan Followers. 801 Avalon........,,,...... let’s play games

  10. Dead man walking and talking mitch m

  11. So much drama, I don't know these couple but from their social media profiles one can easily see a serious cataclysmic system failure on the BYK side, probably caused by cocaine as someone adequately put it but hehehe... keep this going men, I love drama

    1. She has signed court papers she said she lied about everything she told people he still married her to keep her in the country she lied not 1 but 2 kids were his stole his money google is ur friend das apologizing is on every blog and on his page Mitch was his employee she turned against him she got her last two ex boyfriends deported keggah just did not go down without a fight he does not even let her know his address coz on record and it was on SoundCloud she was recorded trying to kill him and he still had her back after she stole everything keggah has 4 new companies now without her she is working as a nurse she played her self slept her way up the ladder

    2. Autism lights was originally Africa autism a company belonging to keggah she stole Mitch and Keggah’s employees keggah let her have it keggah wrote and made her only 3 songs that was her 15!minutes of fame keggah has done this 15 years her 16th minute has come nobody will remember her her in any other way but a baby mama all this people kissing ass will never be daddy continue making ur kids suffer I wish u just aborted them since she smoked her whole pregnancy facts she can’t dare lie we have pictures no wonder the kids both got autism add the 4 abortions with the ex she deported keggah considering the stuff she did was a gentleman most men would be in jail for less

  12. She lied the kids were his she cheated on him 7 times tried to get him deported as soon as he got his papers he still supported her he caught her in bed with his best man the stuff she did was ruthless

  13. Karay Blue is the most manipulative lair in the world she texts any girl he talks to she can talk shit online but she was begging him to come back we have the texts u saying let’s have sex call it even we forget all the drama u people think ur supporting her be deep down her has done everything to get him back keggah kept his vows till today her her broke them on day one sleeping with his best man so that she can take the company that he ran fo7 years and she made bankrupt in 6 months let’s all talk facts now

  14. Keggah was driving a brand new Bentley on live she is still driving the car he got her her life went down the drain all she has is Mitch who bribes celebrities to wear her shirt that’s it u have not even sold one shirt keggah was the business brains plus the software developer that made both of them successful she insulted him belittling him even imagine she said just in this conversation his mother died and it’s an excuse that’s evil on another level

  15. Plus MARY Kimani of 801 Avalon way Shrewsbury is not so innocent she has been investigated 3 times for insurance fraud and Keggah actually helped her pass the audits or she would be in jail you people have no idea how deep the story is K just gets angry but he does not snitch like her

  16. You are a keyboard warrior let me tell you how the story plays out coz Karay uses men like you all the time first she tells you something personal and private so she earns your trust next she calls you bro even says your like the “BIG” bro I never heard so that physiologically you feel the need to defend you then she does not give u jobs or work until you become hungry and desperate then she asks you for a lil favor and promises you a huge amount bro she is playing you like a dog been trained she dated Keggah for 7 years she learnt from the best. Keggah is paid $1000 an hour by fourtune 500 companies to manipulate entire countries you guys commenting don’t even know what ur dealing with Mr and Miss Smith just had a little fight


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