
Wednesday 20 April 2016


Wether its just a mere belief or the reality we cant tell but according to our secret source who is a conspiracy theorist,the Illuminati underworld have been running their agenda in Kenya and he goes ahead to name the artists involved.As you will see in the videos attached to this,it seems interesting.Take your time and be the judge:

I met these various artistes 2 years back. And since then I have been working closely with them in many projects. You can call me the spanner boy who through this whole time, I have been the least and the most send all over to carry out errands. That said, I had no problem with it for I was there only to confirm one thing, are these people ILLUMINATI?

This urge to investigate came after I saw some anomalies in how they were presenting themselves, in terms of their logo designs, their name designs, their different signs in videos that they were using which alluded that they were either promoting Illuminati or they were simply ignorant.

After staying  with them for this long, I have found out that these people know what they are doing. First of all just to jungle your mind is that, all of these kids come from very poor background. And all over a sudden they have come to the top of things, they are now living in the suburbs of Nairobi, they are driving big cars, they have masses following them and they are living by scripts which I have come to know come from their masters abroad.

When I saw them first, I thought what wonderful people but quickly I found out otherwise. The first thing I noted was they greet each other with ILLUMINATI signs. They do the pyramid as a greeting to each other. That caught my attention. The second signal was when I started to see the signs even shaved on their heads and also found on their accessories like belts, shirts kofia and then its all of them not like one of them and then they would meet and discuss how one has brought it out and whether it was visible enough...clearly as you have seen on my video in you tube, it became a fact that these people had someone they were talking to apart from me and their fans...

The thing is most of these artistes are sponsored by different people in different ways to get their music out there, they may have started well, but I believe now these would be sponsors maybe the ones that found out they needed the sponsorship and from there they were introduced to other gods. They are told I will give you this money, and you in your music, you must pass this message in codes and signs. The signs close the argument that these people are introduced into serving ILLUMINATI and passing their messages....

This is the fact and nothing but the truth. I have been with these people for so long I know. You can choose to believe it or not but I will tell you one thing, either me or you or another person will expose these people and you will wish you did have the audience. Its about time.

I dont have anything against them, I love their music, I just want people to know the truth. The new trend to do collabos with secular artistes for example has nothing to do with creativity but orders from above. I also know that the pressure is too much and  most of them want to quit if they knew how because they are forced to do hits of a certain number every year and the sponsorships will keep coming if not then they are dumped but none has been..
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